The tax returns of George Osbourne and David Cameron?

Capitalism does need reform, but a benefits system that gives people more than £25,000; indefinitely, is corrupt. I earn around £14,000, so if I was in that same situation, then I would too would not be working, but claiming benefits. Foreign workers come to this country to take the jobs that people on benefits find uneconomical to take. Malcolm Naylor thinks that capitalism needs reform, well what about millionaires paying a lower rate of tax than an ordinary worker? Americas Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney recently released his tax returns to the media. It showed that his income tax rate is lower than 15%. Americas income tax rate for anyone earning more than $388,351 is 35%; Mitt Romney earned more than $40 million in the past 2 years. I would like to see the tax return of George Osbourne and David Cameron. The fear is that the wealthy in this country are also able to take advantage of the tax system that allows them to pay a very low tax rate on their income. George Osbourne is on the record of wanting to reduce the 50% income tax rate. What a scam this is, when the Conservatives are able to twist the media to get ordinary people to vote Conservative. Those protesters in tents that ‘occupied’ cities around the world started the rebellion against the millionaires, Ed Milliband took up the reigns and now, the Chief Executive of the RBS Group, Stephen Hester has relinquished his million pound bonus. Perhaps now that Stephen Hester has now started the ball rolling, the disparity between the lowest paid and the wealthy might decrease? We now seem to have a class war, brought about by the greedy, who can never have enough money.


In last Thursdays Yorkshire Evening Post, an article by Grant Woodward about the recent killings whereby whole families were killed, it was very simplistic coming up with the same old reason, mental breakdown. But are there more of this type of killings in recent years, and is it more prevalent in certain countries? British psychologist Oliver James wrote a book called Affluenza. Oliver James defines affluenza as placing a high value on money, possessions, appearances and fame, and he was saying this before it was the fashion to pile on the make-up and have plastic surgery; his book was published in 2007. In the book he asserts that there is a correlation between the increase material inequality, the greater the unhappiness of its citizens; and mental illness. The pressures of a materialistic society lead to “psychological disorders, alienation and distress”, causing people to “self-medicate with mood-altering drugs and excessive alcohol consumption” Our millionaire politicians are now saying that we need a more caring form of capitalism, but until big company bosses start taking pay cuts and paying all their due taxes. Perhaps Stephen Hester has now started the ball rolling, and the disparity between the lowest paid and the wealthy might decrease? One thing is certain; this sea change in opinion cannot be carried forward by our rich politicians. As they are part of the problem too.